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Import Service

Import Services:

We import carded toys, soft toys, inflatables and much more on a huge scale each year.

We have suppliers in China for a large variety of products and have many valuable contacts out there. Visiting China regularly throughout the year we source products for Oakes Leisure and other companies.

If you have a request for a large quantity of goods and would like a quotation for our import services then please contact:


Tony Oakes

01384 893888

07872 349437

Oakes Leisure Limited
C/o VeeJay Plastics
West Midlands
01384 893888
When ordering large soft, please allow at least 24hrs notice!! (All soft fill)
Call our office on 01384 893888 if you need any help or guidance on purchasing any of our lines, we are available Monday to Friday 9-5pm.
Happy New Year to all our customers!!! Check out our sale we have on right now!!